A Walk On The Wild Side

Today’s second post is about the fabulous Stanley Park in beautiful British Columbia Canada. I am blessed to live very close to this park with its multitude of habitats, abundance of birds, flora and fauna and it’s storied history. I love this place and I think others will too so I thought I’d share a…

Moments In Time – A Collection Of Favorite Tales

Sometimes in photography, just like in life there comes a moment in time that feels so different, so unique that it freezes for all eternity. In my bird photography, as in my journey through hearing loss there have been many such moments. Unlike the experiences on my journey through the lands of silence, which will live…


Ok! So we’re back from our long weekend and it’s time once again to dive back into the celebration photo files. Now every nature photographer reading this knows the pain of that moment when you do everything right, click the shutter and…. I mean really….you’ve been sitting there for a minute and a half without blinking,…