
Ok! So we’re back from our long weekend and it’s time once again to dive back into the celebration photo files. Now every nature photographer reading this knows the pain of that moment when you do everything right, click the shutter and….


I mean really….you’ve been sitting there for a minute and a half without blinking, you couldn’t have given me 1/100th of a second longer?

Going through my files at the end of a walk always leaves me with a few of these moments and although I rid myself of the majority when I download the days work, they tend to build up in my raw stock files. Today while going through my files I realized there`s an important lesson here.

If you’re planning to take pictures of birds eventually you too will end up with one of these.


Or These….


Or This! (Don`t ask me where the second duck came from, it certainly wasn’t there when I pressed the shutter)


Anyway, no matter what happens, just keep at it and learn to rejoice in the good shots and laugh at the bad. It`s all a learning experience and I have to admit, some of these are actually kind of humorous


Until next time, keep snapping friends Sometimes it turns out right.

(Stay tuned to the Celebration of Silence for the evening post coming out at 5pm PST! Today’s offering….Moments in Time – A collection of favorite images and the stories behind them)

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