The Recovery Series – A World Of My Own (Pt2)

AUTHORS NOTE: Due to the physical stresses of surgical recovery The Celebration Of silence will only be posting once daily for the month of March. We will resume our twice daily postings in April!

Welcome back readers! For those of you following along at home welcome to another episode of The Recovery Series! For those just joining us, check out the full recovery series HERE

As I started out explaining in yesterday’s post the limitations of my recovery have me effectively trapped into a two block radius around my building. Any farther than that and I need someone to accompany me as the strain tends to make me suddenly fall down. Not to mention all those pushy Vancouver pedestrians that seem to like knocking over people on crutches while they attempt to use the disability gate at the train (sorry I’m bitter :P)

But have no fear. Birds can be found everywhere….Even here


It may only be a crow gazing off into the wild blue yonder but as you can see above it has left me so unbelievably happy I sound like a bad parody of Dr Seuss. And as I sat the more and more opportunities for pursuing my mad love of ornithology presented themselves.


This striking little house sparrow decided to give me a fine showing one afternoon as I sat rather despondently, contemplating how to make interesting pictures of only four breeds of bird interesting.


And let’s face it, having this little guy napping in the sunny patch at your feet really helps cheer you up too.


Soon after this little fellow gave me an opportunity for artistic composition as he snacked in a nearby bush. I became so absorbed in watching him that I never realized the light was leaving until I looked up and saw the streaks in the sky. It wasn’t until I got home that I realized I had caught the perfect shot to end the day.


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