Letter To A Bus Driver

(Bus ID # 2526 – (#3 Marine Drive Stn -Main St and 22nd Ave @ 1934 hours Feb 09 2016) Dear Driver Of Bus #3, We don’t know each other. As a matter of fact we met  only briefly this evening. I’m sure that to you, our interaction was just another moment in the endless…

Yes We Can!

Often in my daily life I encounter moments of “Uh oh, maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Maybe I’ll do it this other way.” Or the all too common “Maybe I’ll come back later with an interpreter” These times often feel like failures in the moment and it can take some fighting with myself…

Kindness Makes The World Go Round

One of the things I’ve never been good at is asking for help. It’s always been awkward as I’m sure it is for all people who’ve ever been in the situation of having to ask to get your needs met. While I’ve always tried my best to accommodate others and thought nothing of it, it…

I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

One of the things that has definitely surprised me over the last months is how amazing some of my friends have been around the whole “suddenly I can’t communicate with you in the same way as before” thing. Granted some have seemingly dropped off the face of the planet, but some have really stepped up,…

Through The Looking Glass

It often feels like I am viewed only through the lens of my disability. People, even people who know me, see my cane before they see my face, start thinking about how to say hello to me before I even know they’re there. Many times when I’m out and about with my partner and we…