An Unexpected Surprise

Continuing on from yesterday’s post, I left Deer Lake full of hope and wonder at this beautiful world we live in. But true to my bird-watching self, there wasn’t quite enough bird shots in my camera so off I went to nearby Burnaby Lake park for my waterfowl fix. Now Burnaby Lake is not somewhere…

A New Beginning

It was with the same feeling of shock that I looked up with the intent of mourning my lost eagles and saw a proud new nest crowning the old tree! And lo and behold peeking out from the branches, the head of a brooding eagle!

The Recovery Series – An Update

In the toughest times of change and strife the sights I see through my lens calm me, reset my focus, and allow me to work through my turmoil in the peace and quiet of a shutter press. In that moment it doesn’t matter what the doctor said yesterday, or that I fell that morning. The only thing that matters is the image, the moment, the capture of perfection.

The Recovery Series – A World Of My Own (Pt1)

One day as I watched the crows at their morning antics it struck me. Those were birds! They had feathers, and flew through the air, and squawked! That was what a bird did! Quickly I ran inside and grabbed my trusty camera.

The Recovery Series – A Lesson Learned (Pt 2)

Mikah became fascinated with the stones that made up a nearby overpass. The above capture is I think, quite signature of her style and a truly amazing interplay between many elements all balanced perfectly for one moment

The Recovery Series -A Lesson Learned (Pt 1)

…the condition that had taken my hearing was far more advanced than we had thought. Me being me I continued along alright and immediately wanted to de-stress by doing what?

You guessed it. Birdwatching!

The Road To Recovery

Waking up in the recovery room and being told everything was fine, everything had been fixed, that this nightmare was finally over was a really surreal moment for me. Being told that it was finished and everything had gone great despite the additional bone that had been removed awakened in me a feeling I hadn’t thought to plan for.


A Date With The Devil

“Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t” This quote rings more true with me now than ever. In just over a week the devil I have known for the last 8 years (a condition called attic colosteatoma) will be literally excised from my head by my egotistical, precocious, hyper-confident (hopefully rightfully so…

Letter To A Bus Driver

(Bus ID # 2526 – (#3 Marine Drive Stn -Main St and 22nd Ave @ 1934 hours Feb 09 2016) Dear Driver Of Bus #3, We don’t know each other. As a matter of fact we met  only briefly this evening. I’m sure that to you, our interaction was just another moment in the endless…


Ok! So we’re back from our long weekend and it’s time once again to dive back into the celebration photo files. Now every nature photographer reading this knows the pain of that moment when you do everything right, click the shutter and…. I mean really….you’ve been sitting there for a minute and a half without blinking,…