Letter To A Bus Driver

(Bus ID # 2526 – (#3 Marine Drive Stn -Main St and 22nd Ave @ 1934 hours Feb 09 2016) Dear Driver Of Bus #3, We don’t know each other. As a matter of fact we met  only briefly this evening. I’m sure that to you, our interaction was just another moment in the endless…

Self Help Starts With A Zoom Lens

I never really thought about the ease with which I moved through the world before I fully lost my hearing but now it’s a topic that is often on my mind. Whether its accidentally freaking out some poor barrista by staring intently at their lips, or only ordering a few familiar things at restaurants because…

The Journey Begins

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” Lao Tzu Sometimes I wonder about this journey I’m on. In the beginning I asked all the usual questions such as “Why me?” and “Where did I go wrong?” I was unable or unwilling to admit that losing my hearing was not the end…