Self Help Starts With A Zoom Lens

I never really thought about the ease with which I moved through the world before I fully lost my hearing but now it’s a topic that is often on my mind. Whether its accidentally freaking out some poor barrista by staring intently at their lips, or only ordering a few familiar things at restaurants because you know whats in them and don’t want the bother of lip reading the waiter’s lengthy narratives, becoming fully deaf can really limit you in unforseen ways.

I’ve found that I have compensated for this in some pretty cool ways, one of which is my photography. I’ve always loved taking pictures but now I’m able to delve much deeper into it. I’m not sure why this is, but going on my walks and snapping away has been a key factor in keeping ny mood elevated. Strangely enough, up until now I’ve kept most of those photos very private (my partner hasn’t even seen most of them and I tell her everything) which is unusual for me. Maybe it just took me some time to realize how to channel that gregarious part of my nature into a different medium but now that it has taken on a life of it’s own I can’t wait to share it with you.

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