The Recovery Series – A Lesson Learned (Pt 2)

Mikah became fascinated with the stones that made up a nearby overpass. The above capture is I think, quite signature of her style and a truly amazing interplay between many elements all balanced perfectly for one moment

The Recovery Series -A Lesson Learned (Pt 1)

…the condition that had taken my hearing was far more advanced than we had thought. Me being me I continued along alright and immediately wanted to de-stress by doing what?

You guessed it. Birdwatching!

Kindness Makes The World Go Round

One of the things I’ve never been good at is asking for help. It’s always been awkward as I’m sure it is for all people who’ve ever been in the situation of having to ask to get your needs met. While I’ve always tried my best to accommodate others and thought nothing of it, it…

Not What I Was Expecting To Find

Often on my walks I will see an interesting bird perched somewhere my camera is not pointing. So I make a desperate try to get the camera round in time without scaring off the bird only to discover  I’ve taken yet another shot of empty bloody air – or if I was especially spry –…

Self Help Starts With A Zoom Lens

I never really thought about the ease with which I moved through the world before I fully lost my hearing but now it’s a topic that is often on my mind. Whether its accidentally freaking out some poor barrista by staring intently at their lips, or only ordering a few familiar things at restaurants because…

The Journey Begins

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” Lao Tzu Sometimes I wonder about this journey I’m on. In the beginning I asked all the usual questions such as “Why me?” and “Where did I go wrong?” I was unable or unwilling to admit that losing my hearing was not the end…