The Recovery Series -A Lesson Learned (Pt 1)

…the condition that had taken my hearing was far more advanced than we had thought. Me being me I continued along alright and immediately wanted to de-stress by doing what?

You guessed it. Birdwatching!

The Choice

To Nikon or to Canon? DSLR or Compact? Could I live without Superzoom? If I do learn to, am I really ready to learn that much about lenses? Artistic composition options? IT’S A BIRD DAMMIT IT DOESN’T NEED COMPOSING! Or does it? Shutter speeds? Full frame or APS-C? Do I really need a 42x optical…

Moments In Time – A Collection Of Favorite Tales

Sometimes in photography, just like in life there comes a moment in time that feels so different, so unique that it freezes for all eternity. In my bird photography, as in my journey through hearing loss there have been many such moments. Unlike the experiences on my journey through the lands of silence, which will live…


Ok! So we’re back from our long weekend and it’s time once again to dive back into the celebration photo files. Now every nature photographer reading this knows the pain of that moment when you do everything right, click the shutter and…. I mean really….you’ve been sitting there for a minute and a half without blinking,…

For The Birds

So the prevailing question on many minds is most likely “What the HELL do birds and hearing loss have to do with eachother?” Well, to answer that we’ll have to go back into the annals of history to a time when a small child watched his single mother struggle with not only a severe mental…

Not What I Was Expecting To Find

Often on my walks I will see an interesting bird perched somewhere my camera is not pointing. So I make a desperate try to get the camera round in time without scaring off the bird only to discover  I’ve taken yet another shot of empty bloody air – or if I was especially spry –…

Through The Looking Glass

It often feels like I am viewed only through the lens of my disability. People, even people who know me, see my cane before they see my face, start thinking about how to say hello to me before I even know they’re there. Many times when I’m out and about with my partner and we…

Self Help Starts With A Zoom Lens

I never really thought about the ease with which I moved through the world before I fully lost my hearing but now it’s a topic that is often on my mind. Whether its accidentally freaking out some poor barrista by staring intently at their lips, or only ordering a few familiar things at restaurants because…

The Journey Begins

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” Lao Tzu Sometimes I wonder about this journey I’m on. In the beginning I asked all the usual questions such as “Why me?” and “Where did I go wrong?” I was unable or unwilling to admit that losing my hearing was not the end…