An Unexpected Surprise

Continuing on from yesterday’s post, I left Deer Lake full of hope and wonder at this beautiful world we live in. But true to my bird-watching self, there wasn’t quite enough bird shots in my camera so off I went to nearby Burnaby Lake park for my waterfowl fix. Now Burnaby Lake is not somewhere…

A Miracle In Motion

Today I’m paying a small homage to the amazing writer of the Bird Nation blog, whose wonderfully informative posts combine photographs and lessons into a brilliantly educational read. I’m sure I won’t manage half as well, but I’m so infatuated with her posts I just have to give it a go

The Recovery Series – An Update

In the toughest times of change and strife the sights I see through my lens calm me, reset my focus, and allow me to work through my turmoil in the peace and quiet of a shutter press. In that moment it doesn’t matter what the doctor said yesterday, or that I fell that morning. The only thing that matters is the image, the moment, the capture of perfection.

The Recovery Series – Spreading My Wings (Pt1)

Almost immediately things started jumping out at me, including this lovely branch. I was so happy to be outside, to be taking my walk, to not be a burden on someone else that I just had to capture it.

Life’s Little Mysteries

Extinction. Evolution. The meaning of life. Whys is the fruit mix always on the bottom of the yogurt container?! These things are just some of life’s little mysteries and, while confounding as all get out, pale in comparison to the ultimate mystery that is sure to crop up in the life of any birder.

WTF kind of bird is that?!

The Recovery Series – Caution! Artists At Play (Pt1)

This time Mikah and I headed out to Queen Elizabeth Park in beautiful Vancouver British Columbia to catch some ducks and see what other fun we could drum up. Almost immediately I caught sight of this fascinating fellow and unearthed a mystery I need your help to solve!

The Recovery Series – A World Of My Own (Pt2)

It may only be a crow gazing off into the wild blue yonder but as you can see above it has left me so unbelievably happy I sound like a bad parody of Dr Seuss. And as I sat the more and more opportunities for pursuing my mad love of ornithology presented themselves.

Vancouver’s St Patty’s Day Parade

AUTHORS NOTE: Due to the physical stresses of surgical recovery The Celebration Of silence will only be posting once daily for the month of March. We will resume our twice daily postings in April! As many of you know I recently underwent a surgery to remove an attic colosteatoma tumor in my left ear and…

The Recovery Series – A Lesson Learned (Pt 2)

Mikah became fascinated with the stones that made up a nearby overpass. The above capture is I think, quite signature of her style and a truly amazing interplay between many elements all balanced perfectly for one moment